Ms Kathy Radoslovich
BInt (Hons), BDS (Adel)
Research and Scholarships
Ms Katherine Radoslovich was a C.A.S. Hawker Scholar at St Mark’s in 2006-08. She completed her Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) in 2012 and her Bachelor of Development Studies in 2013 and commenced a PhD in the University of Adelaide’s School of Sociology, Criminology and Gender Studies.
Kathy has worked for several State and Federal Government agencies, including as a Youth Worker for five years with the Wiltja Residential Program. She has also worked in East Timor, through the Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development Program, and undertook a student exchange in Hungary. Kathy served in 2018 and 2019 as Director of Learning at St Mark’s, and from 2020 to 2023 as the Registrar. Kathy has worked extensively with the Head of College administering the College scholarships.
Kathy Is on leave from St Mark’s in 2024-25 while she is studying for an MPhil in Medieval History at the University of Cambridge as a member of King’s College, Cambridge, and as a Ramsay and Ivan Shearer Scholar.