Ms Linda Matthews
BA (Flin)
Chair of the Board, and member of the Finance & Risk Committee
Over the past three decades Linda has worked in senior leadership positions in South Australia, Queensland and New South Wales.
Linda has held Executive positions in South Australia as the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity and as Director at the SA Intellectual Disability Service Council. Interstate positions include appointment as Queensland’s first Privacy Commissioner and Executive Director, Women NSW.
She is currently the Chair of St Mark’s College. Other Board Director positions include SA Housing Trust and SA Lifetime Support Authority and, previously, the Adelaide Benevolent Society. Linda was previously Chair of Scosa and in 2019 led a merger of Scosa and Novita, two disability organisations affected by the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Linda has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Parks Community Legal Service, SA Domestic Violence Prevention Unit, and the SA Rape and Sexual Assault Service. Linda has also led Survivors of Torture and Trauma Rehabilitation Services (STTARS) and Catherine House, a service for women experiencing homelessness.
Linda is an experienced leader and has managed complex negotiations with diverse stakeholder groups and provided advice on conflict management and related issues to business, government and community organisations.