You will be a member of one or more Academic Faculties here at St Mark’s, depending on your degree course. Each Faculty is headed by an Academic Coordinator (AC) whose role it is to get to know you and ensure that you have the support you need to engage well with your studies. They’ll also run a range of Faculty events, social activities, and career networking opportunities.
The six Faculties and associated Academic Coordinators for 2025 are:
• Agriculture, Viticulture, Veterinary and Animal Science (AC: Chris Partridge)
• Arts and Education (AC: Nina Pern)
• Business and Law (AC: Cahill McIntyre)
• Engineering, Physical Sciences, Architecture, and Aviation (AC: Luke MacKay)
• Health & Medical Sciences and Allied Health (AC: Robyn Coles)
• Medicine, Nursing, and Dentistry (AC: Jacob Deeb)
Students studying joint or double degrees may be a member of more than one Faculty.
The Academic Coordinators together make up the Academic Team here at St Mark’s, and they are headed up by Senior Academic Tutors Dorisa Nasserian and Tara Phelps, and Dr Katrina Stats (Director of Learning).
All of us are happy to talk to you about anything about college life, whether it’s academic-related or not!
Your Academic Coordinator will set up a Faculty Facebook page - this is a great way to stay in touch with others in similar subject areas, and to access information about upcoming events and opportunities.
Feel free to share links to any relevant resources or upcoming events with your Academic Coordinator, or directly onto the page.
The College appoints Academic Tutors in various subjects. These are usually current or former St Mark’s students, and the support they provide can include running regular group tutorials or individual help and advice. The nature of the support provided depends in part on how many other students are studying the same subject.
We’ll advertise our Academic Tutors for 2025 early in the academic year.
Remember that you can contact Tutors in other Faculties if you think they’ll be a useful resource for you; if you aren’t sure how to contact them just ask anyone on the Academic Team.
If you do not have a Tutor in their subject area and would find it helpful to have one, please let us know - we can’t guarantee that everyone will have a tutor for every subject, but we’ll do you best to identify support for you.
Remember that academic support and assistance should always sit within appropriate boundaries: the work that you submit needs to be your own, not produced by or with other students (unless it’s supposed to be a group assignment). If you’re at all unsure about this, feel free to check with any of us.
All students are expected to be familiar with the concept of academic integrity and the Academic Integrity Policy of their university. For more information, please see:
University of Adelaide:
University of South Australia:
Flinders University: