“St Mark’s has an incredible sense of community. To you all here today, you play an integral role in the ongoing success of St Mark’s, be it in governance, as mentors, through providing academic and financial support to scholarships and the annual giving program, and many other ways. This is a legacy that we want to continue, it is these values and behaviours that have shaped St Mark’s into what it is today as a ‘student facing’ institution that will keep its focus on the joyful but complex task of helping young men and women make the transition into university and later professional life.” (Master, Rose Alwyn)
We were delighted to have so many Old Collegians and their partners attend the recent 50 Year Luncheon to celebrate the first 41 years of the College from 1925-1966.
Whilst welcoming guests the Master, Rose Alwyn shared a quote from Ewert Smith who was the College Club President in 1951 and whose words still ring true today, “You will get out of St Mark’s as you put into it. You will be the future leaders – not only of St Marks but of various sections of the world. To you, I throw out the torch of St Mark’s blazing with the spirit of comradeship. Through your efforts, St Mark’s will flourish and give to society a steady stream of capable individuals who know how to live and let live”.

The Master then welcomed Rev’d Bill Goodes (1954-57) to say grace and soon after Robin Watts (1955-58) toasted the College with an insightful and humorous history of College life and the student population and how they have changed over the years.

To further mark the occasion, Michael Shearer AM (1961-62) generously presented his College Colours blazer to the Master which was awarded to him for rowing in both College and Intervarsity. Bill Burton (1951-55) also kindly presented the Master with his colours pocket and both items will be displayed at the College along with other items donated to the College over the years.

Adding to the nostalgic ambiance were photo displays of the College, North Adelaide and students from 1925-1966 along with the annual year group photos. Rare books from the extensive St Mark’s collection were also displayed, some dating back to the 1700s which have been so generously donated to the College.