Just over sixty collegians and friends attended the Foundation’s annual Donor function in the Master’s Garden on Thursday 4th February. Mark Penniment’s recent bequest was acknowledged at the Function and he was presented with his 1925 Bequest Society pin.
Without these generous donors, the College would not be in the same position to maintain the fantastic facilities we can offer, namely the recent East Wing development. College is much more than just a place to live, and our donors, friends and benefactors recognise the importance that their contribution can make to the lives of young people.
As one Bequestor recently said, “It is the confidence I have in St Mark’s for the future that led me to make a bequest to the college. In contrast, it was the past that gave me so much — the majority of my lifetime friendships were formed during my time at the college. Is there a place for a residential college in today’s university, one that has a strong heritage, that values excellence, that provides pastoral care, and that provides a supportive and stimulating environment seven days a week in a student’s life? I believe so.”
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to the College, or leave a bequest in your Will, please contact us for further information.