During 2018, over $450,000 in financial support will be awarded to St Mark’s new and returning students this year to enable them to live and learn within the St Mark’s College community.
At the recent Semester I Scholarship Ceremony fifty-three students shared in over $280,000 in scholarships, grants, bursaries and prizes. These awards recognised and supported a diverse range of criteria such as student achievements, contribution to the community, specific needs, talents, living circumstances and financial need.

The Master, Rose Alwyn welcomed students, parents and special guests to the ceremony including Mr Mark Penniment, Finance Director, Mr Craig Williams, President of the Old Collegians’ Association and Mr Bob and Mrs Gayle Cowan, Cowan Trustees. In her speech she said that “The cost of quality education is increasing and in speaking to prospective students and their family members it is evident that for many there is a significant financial strain yet desire to reside at a place such as St Mark’s College. At a time when many students have to work part-time to support themselves while they study, the value of scholarships cannot be overstated.”
Mr Bob Cowan of the Cowan Trustees shared his own first-hand experience of studying and managing university fees and living expenses whilst working multiple jobs. This experience created a philanthropic desire for he and his wife to provide financial assistance to students to ease the financial cost of university and enjoy a balanced lifestyle. Since then their generosity has enabled countless new and returning students to receive scholarships over the years and enjoy university whilst also experiencing St Mark’s residential college life. Bob encouraged the students to reflect on the impact of receiving a scholarship and consider their own future benefaction to support the needs of others.
St Mark’s is grateful to all the generous benefactors and friends of the College who contribute generously to keep St Mark’s accessible to students, regardless of their financial circumstance.
St Mark’s Entry Bursary
Emily Baylis, Nicola Burdett, Lukas Eggar, Lena Eversheim, Roan Gillam, Ben Joy, Dylan Moore

St Mark’s Entry Bursary – Further
Hannah Bradshaw, Lucinda Bunge, Eliza Glascott, Joo Lee

Cowan Entry Grant
Riley Arnold, Adam Burford, Drew Guegan-Brown, Josh Phillips, Liam Stevens, Olivia Watt
Cowan Grant – Further
Ryan Casey, Carson Clark, Benjamin Heaslip

Margaret and Harry Scott Scholarship
Nicola Badran, Lucy Burston, Kaitlyn Cook, Brittany Doyle, Abby Goodwin, Chloe Grosser, Samantha Hauptman, Shannon Herbert, Carmen Joubert, Victoria Martin, Tessa Megaw, Courtney Milne, Imogen Peters, Cassandra Poulton, Bonnie Seagrim, Stacey Stott, Alana Winter

Margaret and Harry Scott Scholarship – Further
Kaitlin Cook, Tegan Griffiths, Chelsea Hammond, Dayna Lawrie, Beth Leese, Laura Marafiote, Georg-jah Mitchell

St Mark’s Old Collegians’ Bursary
Hugo Lee, Emma Morgan

Julien Bickersteth – Entry Scholarship
Dylan Moore
Julien Bickersteth – Returning Scholarship
James Dukalskis

The E A Radcliff Prize
Alexander Makarowsky

The G Angas Parsons Prize
Connor Bakaj

The W F Wehrstedt Prize
Lachlan Strachan

The WA Collegians Prize
Clare Dixon

The BP Wait
Hannah Bradshaw