We were delighted to once again hold the “Sundowner” after a few years’ hiatus.
This special celebration – this year marking three years of service of the East Wing – was held in the late afternoon of 30 November 2017, in the Ian & Pamela Wall Academic Centre.
Officially opened in March 2015, the East Wing houses the Ian & Pamela Wall Academic Centre, the Simpson Tutorial Rooms and the Allister McLeod Gymnasium, along with 32 student rooms and a 98-space multi-level car park.
Construction of the East Wing was made possible by many very generous donors, many of whom joined us at the Sundowner. We thank them all for their outstanding contributions to St Mark’s – not simply to the infrastructure, but to the quality of the students’ lives.

The Sundowner also launched the Adopt a Rare Book program – an innovation to help restore and preserve the College’s outstanding collection of rare and valuable books. Special guest Cheryl Hoskins, Rare Book Librarian at the University of Adelaide’s Barr-Smith Library, provided a fascinating keynote to launch the project. Cheryl’s talk highlighted the great value of the stories these old and rare books tell us – not only in the printed text, but in the histories of the people who have owned the books and of the passage of the books down the generations to us.
We thank those who adopted a book on the night, with further information about the restoration of these books available here.
We look forward to “Sundowner 2018” and again welcoming many Old Collegians, donors, distinguished guests and great friends of the College!