Marking Anzac Day and Founders’ Day

Every year at St Mark’s, we commemorate Anzac Day and Founders’ Day.

Anzac Day holds significant meaning for the College, as it’s also St Mark’s Day. Many of our founders served in World War I and all were profoundly affected by it. The founders named the College after the Saint on whose day the Gallipoli landings fell in 1915.

Founders’ Day is normally marked on the Sunday immediately following Anzac Day.

Lighting up the dawn

Every Anzac Day, St Mark’s students wake up early to honour the fallen and “light up the dawn” with a candlelight vigil.

This year, well over 100 St Mark’s students and staff lined Pennington Terrace, North Adelaide, at 6am. We remembered those who served in wars and peace-keeping operations, including the 20 Collegians killed in World War II whose names are forever etched on a plaque on College grounds.


Founders’ Day Service

At our Founder’s Day Service on April 28, we commemorated Anzac Day and St Mark’s Day, and honoured our founders who worked hard and gave generously 100 years ago to bring the College into being. The service was followed by morning tea and the traditional toast.

It was a morning of quiet reflection on what it means to be a part of the St Mark’s community. Many thanks to the very many students, Old Collegians, and friends of the College who took part. Thank you also to our Chaplain, the Reverend Canon Stephen Daughtry, for his inspiring sermon.



Old Collegians’ Football

Following the Founders’ Day Service and morning tea, we enjoyed an afternoon of football, in which current and Old Collegians played each other in friendly matches.

The winner? Why, St Mark’s, of course!