St Mark’s abroad – alumni and friends connect in US and Canada

Alumni and friends of St Mark’s enjoyed connecting with each other and with the Head of College, Professor Don Markwell AM, in several North American cities in late June and early July.

Professor Markwell met with Old Collegians and friends of the College in Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, and San Francisco.

The photos below show some of those who took part.

Professor Markwell caught up with Old Collegians from Australia and New Zealand living in the US, and Americans and Canadians who spent time at St Mark’s, including as Study Abroad students or more senior scholars.

“It was a joy to connect with members of the St Mark’s community in North America,” Professor Markwell said.

“However long or short their time in College, a recurring theme of conversation was how formative their experience at St Mark’s was.”

Several alumni and friends of St Mark’s shared plans to visit Adelaide for the College’s Centenary Gala Weekend of 14-16 March 2025. We very much look forward to celebrating with them!

The largest reunion was at the American Australian Association in New York City with Professor Markwell and the College’s Director of Centenary Engagement, Karin Dunsford.

In New York, Old Collegians and partners from the early 1950s to the 2010s were joined by Mrs Okche Ashwin, who was at St Mark’s throughout the 1990s when Mr Robin Ashwin was Master, and their daughter, Mulan, who lives in New York. A presentation was made to express the College’s gratitude to Okche Ashwin.

Another presentation was made to the most senior Collegian to attend any of the reunions, Dr Dennis Bloomfield (St Marks 1952-56), who attended with his wife, Elaine.

As we look ahead to the College’s Centenary next year, a special welcome was also given to Ms Plern Bonython, a descendant of one of our founders, Sir John Langdon Bonython, and her husband, Tanner.

Lively conversation, delicious fare, and panoramic views of Manhattan were greatly enjoyed by all.

As in other cities, Professor Markwell updated alumni and friends of St Mark’s on College news. He also encouraged all to come to Centenary events next year.

The College reunions in North America led many alumni and friends to reconnect with the College, and update their contact details. If you’d like to stay in touch with us and be the first to know about College events, such as the Centenary and future reunions, you can easily update your contact details here.

As well as meeting with members of the St Mark’s community in North America, Professor Markwell also visited a number of universities and colleges. This included the Claremont colleges near Los Angeles (including Pitzer College, from which many Study Abroad students have come to St Mark’s), Princeton and Harvard Universities, and the University of California, Berkeley.

A former Warden of Rhodes House, Oxford, and global CEO of the Rhodes Scholarships, Professor Markwell also met with Rhodes Scholars of several generations in the United States and Canada.

Details of Centenary events are on the College website here. Further details will be circulated in September.