Over 50 new and returning St Mark’s students were recently awarded a range of scholarships, grants and prizes for academic achievement, contribution to the community, specific needs, talent, living circumstances and financial need.

In welcoming scholarship donors and other benefactors, students, families and other members of the College community, the Master spoke of the increasing cost of a quality education on families and students themselves. She said that the value of Scholarships cannot be overstated in the context of providing access to a College and University experience that ensures a smooth transition, from school to university.

“College life is amazing! St Mark’s has helped me to make the transition from school to university life whilst making me feel comfortable after moving out of home for the first time. Receiving a scholarship at St Mark’s has not only lessened the financial burden for me but has enabled me to stay for another year! College has been one of the best experiences of my life – I represented the College Club at the National Association of University Colleges conference in Sydney last year and was elected to the Committee as the Sports Officer for 2017. I cannot thank the College enough for the academic support, the opportunity to play sport, have an exciting social life and be part of a community that embraces a healthy balance to life.” Brayden Jenke, Renmark, Mechanical Engineering, University of Adelaide. Recipient of Cowan Continuing Grant 2017.

Congratulations to all our first semester scholarship, grant and prize recipients!

The E A Radcliff Prize
Alexander Makarowsky
The G Angus Parsons Prize
Mr Angus Gebhardt
Ms Emily Grace Nicholson Gartley
The BP Wait Prize
Mr Lachlan Strachan
The W F Wehrstedt Prize
Ms Pearl Catford
The WA Collegians’ Prize
Ms Ebony Brouwers
St Mark’s Entrance Scholarship
Mr Connor Bakaj
Ms Hannah Bradshaw
Ms Lucinda Bunge
Mr Ryan Morrow
Ms Ashlee Nichol
Ms Genevieve Porter
Ms Dana Yeaman
Ms Lauren Zanelli
Margaret & Harry Scott Scholarship
Ms Kaitlin Cook
Ms Tegan Griffiths
Ms Chelsea Hammond
Ms Dayna Lawrie
Ms Beth Leese
Ms Laura Marafiote
Ms Georg-jah Mitchell
Margaret & Harry Scott Continuing Scholarship
Ms Nicholette Bakaj
Ms Sophie Healy
Ms Elena Spadotto
The Julian Bickersteth Scholarship
Mr James Kukalskis
The Sholto Douglas Scholarship
Mr Angus Barber
Ms Neha Kasture
Mr Lachlan Kelly
St Mark’s Alumni Scholarship
Ms Sam Bereza
Ms Sophie Riley
Sodexo Scholarships
Mr Jordan Campbell
Ms Amy Day
Ms Olivia Ganz
Ms Meg Phillips
Ms Mikaela Stoll
Ms Erin Widdison
St Mark’s Old Collegians’ Bursary
Ms Emily Baxter
Mr Benjamin Heaslip
Cowan Entry Grants
Mr Ryan Casey
Ms Holly Crothers
Ms Amelia Gibson
Mr Isaac Hampton
Ms Claudia Miller
Cowan Further Grants
Mr Duncan Cameron
Ms Hayley Finlay
Ms Tiffany Finlay
Ms Jessica Robinson
Cowan Continuing Grants
Ms Molly Arendt
Mr Carson Clark
Mr Timothy Irwin
Mr Brayden Jenke
Mr Caleb Maru
Ms Demi McCarthy
Ms Meekah Zangari