In celebration of the start of the 2018 Academic Year, students, staff, Board and family gathered in St Peter’s Cathedral prior to Fresher Dinner. The Service presented an opportunity to reflect on what has brought each student to Adelaide and to College and how the trepidation prior to O’Week often dissipates as students start to make connections that will last a lifetime. The College’s Chaplain, Rev’d Grant Moore, spoke about seeking the truth and being true to self in the pursuit of a goal. The Master’s opening address followed the same theme, highlighting that students need to stay true to themselves as they navigate the social, emotional and academic challenges of university and College life. She said, “be your authentic self and try not to worry about what others think. Know your strengths because this will allow you the confidence and skills to make wise choices and good decisions. At College, potential new and enriching friendships are all around you. Put yourself out there and step outside of your comfort zone – you never know what you will learn.”
You can read the Master’s full address here: Opening Address 2018 Master.
The Chaplain’s Sermon can be read here: Commencement Sermon
All the best to our students for the 2018 academic year!