2024 Scholarship winners recognised, and thank donors in person

Life-changing opportunities celebrated at St Mark’s

Winners of College scholarships for 2024 were recognised at the annual Scholarships Presentation Ceremonies held recently. These occasions gave Scholars the opportunity personally to thank the donors of the scholarships which help them live and learn at St Mark’s.

On Thursday 30 May, many donors enjoyed presenting certificates to the students awarded their scholarships this year. In some cases, the presentations were made by family members or descendants of donors: for example, the Kitty Hayward Scholarship, endowed in 1938, was presented by the donor’s great grandson, in the presence of other descendants of Kitty Hayward!

Mrs Mary Lou Simpson OAM (on behalf of herself and Mr Antony Simpson, who was overseas), Dr John Boully, Mr Guy Watson, and Dr Pamela Wall OAM spoke for all donors in saying what a pleasure and privilege it is to help talented students from diverse backgrounds to be at St Mark’s.

St Mark’s Director of Centenary Engagement, Ms Karin Dunsford, spoke warmly of the late Dr Helen Reid, who left a bequest to endow a scholarship which bears her name. Karin was twice offered jobs at Walford School by Dr Reid, who recognised and encouraged potential in Karin which she did not see herself. Like our scholarships, these were life-changing opportunities.

Speaking for all scholarship recipients, students Luke MacKay, Manon Finch, and Cameron Akehurst shared how formative their St Mark’s experiences have been.  They expressed profound gratitude for the selfless generosity of scholarship donors who have made this possible.

Quoting the adage that “talent is everywhere, opportunity is not”, the Head of College, Professor Don Markwell AM, said:

Scholarships are utterly essential to creating opportunity for young people of talent and potential.

“Our scholarships exist to promote and recognise excellence, including service and leadership as well as academic and other achievement; to help students who are in financial need; and to enable people from diverse backgrounds to be at St Mark’s who might not otherwise be able to be here.”

Some of the scholarships presented were endowed in the early years of St Mark’s and are still awarded today. Others have been created in more recent years through the generosity and vision of donors.

Professor Markwell said that, despite the great generosity of St Mark’s scholarships and of our wonderful donors, students’ need for financial support remains much greater than our capacity to meet it, and a further significant expansion of scholarships remains a crucial priority for the College.

The Scholarships Presentation Ceremony was followed by an informal dinner. Here, donors and their Scholars were able to talk further, an opportunity clearly enjoyed by all.

Earlier that week, the Chair of the College Board, Ms Linda Matthews, spoke in Formal Hall and recognised and congratulated the 2024 winners of a number of other scholarships. These included the St Mark’s College Scholarships (which are funded from all-important Annual Giving), Alumni Scholarships, the Foundation Scholarship, and Margaret and Harry Scott Trust Scholarships.

Ms Matthews said how greatly she appreciated the letters she received from scholarship winners which reflected the importance in their lives of the opportunity to be at St Mark’s.

You can read extracts from letters of thanks written by 2024 scholarship recipients here.

Photos from the Scholarships Presentation Ceremony on 30 May are below.

Find details of the scholarships that help students live and learn at St Mark’s here.

To help provide scholarships that support students to be at St Mark’s, visit our Giving page.

“Thank you for believing in the potential of students and for investing in our future”

Scholarships with impact

Over recent months, dozens of current St Mark’s Collegians have again been writing letters of thanks for the scholarships that have helped them be at St Mark’s this year. In many cases, scholarships have made the difference between their being able to return or come to the College for 2024, or not.

The headline above is a quote from one such letter.

The letters from students generally express gratitude for the great opportunity to benefit from being at College, and for the kindness and generosity of donors. Many students speak powerfully of what being at St Mark’s means to them, and of the financial challenges which they and their family face, including the current cost of living and other economic pressures, and how much difference the scholarship support makes.

Inspiringly, many scholarship recipients also express the determination that, when they are able later in life, they will “give back” or “pay it forward” – doing what they can to help future generations of students to be at St Mark’s.

A great deal of our scholarships are funded by gifts from Old Collegians who are grateful for what their College experience did for them. Many others are funded by gifts from friends of the College who have seen how important and life-changing their support can be.

Donations to the College through Annual Giving are essential to our ability to provide this support, as are major gifts and bequests. Thanks to the generosity of the St Mark’s community, a number of new scholarships have been created in the last few years, and Annual Giving by alumni and friends funds several crucial scholarships each year.

One of the top priorities in the College’s strategic plan, Towards our second century, is “working to support all students who need it, and to promote excellence and diversity, through a major expansion of scholarships and other financial support for students”.

This week, the annual Scholarship Presentation Ceremonies will be held at the College. Here, scholarships are formally recognised and certificates are presented to scholarship winners by their donors. We also launch Annual Giving, which again seeks support for our students through gifts for scholarships, as well as for other College priorities.

Expressions of gratitude

These short extracts from the very many letters written by scholarship recipients reflect their gratitude for the great impact of the support they have received.

“St Mark’s will forever be a part of my life. I would not be the person I am today without the support, and opportunities for growth and success in all aspects of life. Thank you for believing in the potential of students like myself and for investing in our future.”

“Being part of the college community at St Mark’s provides me with a sense of belonging that I have never felt prior. 2023 spent at college was the best year of my life, I have made lifelong incredible friendships and learnt many new things about myself, others, and the journey of life. I couldn’t imagine myself being anywhere else.”

“From the bottom of our hearts, we are truly thankful and assure you that St Mark’s College will always hold a special place in each of our hearts. I hope to one day be able to provide assistance to another student in living their dream to stay at St Mark’s College just like I have been kindly provided with.”

“This opportunity has become a reality thanks to you!”

“Coming to St Marks is one of the best decisions I’ve made. We are all grateful for your support in allowing me to return to college for a second year.”

“It is a testament to the life you have led and the values that you hold that you should show such kindness to strangers and freely support their educational journeys. Thank you for your kindness and generosity in creating this tremendous opportunity not only for me, but also for the many others who will inevitably follow.”

“The impact of this scholarship extends beyond my academic journey; it has made a significant difference in my life and has eased the financial burden I feel I have placed on my family. Without this support, continuing my studies in Adelaide would have been a considerable challenge. I will be forever grateful for your generosity.”

“Your support fuels my determination to excel academically and actively engage in the vibrant community at St Mark’s. I am eager to immerse myself in the diverse academic and extracurricular activities offered at the college, knowing that your generosity has provided me with the means to fully participate and contribute to its rich tapestry of experiences.”

“This generous scholarship has not only alleviated the financial burden of pursuing higher education but has also served as a profound affirmation of my academic and personal achievements. Your belief in my potential has provided me with the encouragement and support needed to excel in my studies. College is not just an academic institution; it is a place where dreams are nurtured, and futures are shaped. The opportunities for growth, both intellectually and personally, are invaluable. Your scholarship has made it possible for me to fully immerse myself in this transformative experience. I am genuinely grateful for the faith you have shown in me, and I am committed to honouring your generosity through dedicated and impactful academic pursuits.”

“Your support is not forgotten and thought of regularly with much gratitude.”

“Living at St. Mark’s is a privilege that I never thought I would have. Having grown up in economic and family hardship, your patronage provides me with significant emotional and financial relief that truly makes or breaks the reality of me being a student at St. Mark’s. Thank you for believing in me.”

“Thank you for providing opportunity to those like myself to continue living at St Mark’s College with the hopes to become the best version of myself in all aspects of my academic and personal life.”

“Being a daughter of two hard working farmers whose income is very dependent on weather means that there is always major stress around financial needs. This scholarship has truly been a major blessing for my family and me, especially with the unfortunate harvest season my mum and dad have experienced this year. Without your kindness, my family would have found it much harder to provide me with an opportunity to receive higher education, which would have impacted the chances of me being able to stay. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to chase my dreams.”

“My parents and I are incredibly thankful for your donation of this scholarship as it has played a large role in helping me to attend St Mark’s College this year and hopefully in the years to come. I completed a gap year in 2023, working three jobs to accumulate savings to support my tertiary education. Such a generous scholarship goes a long way in assisting me with these costs.

“I am filled with gratitude for your generosity in awarding me this St Mark’s scholarship and look forward to the future opportunities that this will open for me.”

“Your generosity not only lightens the financial burden of my education but also validates my aspirations and reinforces my dedication to the field of nursing. With the support of this scholarship, I am better equipped to focus on my studies, engage in clinical experiences, and participate in the opportunities that St Mark’s has to offer. Your dedication to supporting aspiring nurses, like myself, reflects a shared commitment to excellence, integrity, and service to humanity. I am looking forward to personally thanking you for your kind scholarship and will work diligently this year to ensure I have made you proud.”

“Without scholarships, my residence at St Mark’s would be called into question.”

“Being from a farming family, the expense of living away from home was always scary to think about and try to budget for as our family’s income is constantly changing. My family has made many sacrifices to ensure I can be comfortable while studying and have never once wavered in their support towards me even when it has put pressure on them. Your help through this scholarship means a great amount to my family, and more so to myself as it allows me to continue making the most of the opportunities that arise while living at St Mark’s and in Adelaide.”

“Receiving this scholarship means more to me than words can convey. It is not only financial assistance but also a tremendous vote of confidence in my abilities and aspirations. Your belief in my potential has inspired me to work even harder towards my academic and career goals. Enrolling at St Marks has been a profoundly transformative experience for me, one that extends far beyond the academic realm. It has been a place where I have and will continue to make lifelong connections and it will always have a special place in my heart.”

“I am grateful for every moment I get to spend here. I am truly humbled by your generosity.”

“This scholarship you have kindly presented has allowed me to continue my college journey, which may not have gone ahead otherwise.”

“I have marvelled at the opportunities that I have been able to seize, the people that have shifted from acquaintance to family, and the way a new place can quickly become a home. It is due to your generosity that this is possible.”

If you would like to help change the lives of current or future students at St Mark’s, please give now at the link here.

For details of College scholarships, click here.


Tim Brooks Scholarship to create life-changing opportunities for Agricultural Science students

A generous scholarship to help a rural student continue at St Mark’s while studying Agricultural Science, or Oenology and Viticulture, has been created by Old Collegian Tim Brooks (St Mark’s 1966-70).

The Tim Brooks Scholarship, with a value of $12,000 per annum, will be awarded to an undergraduate student from a rural area who is enrolled at St Mark’s and is undertaking study in Agricultural Science (preferably) or Oenology or Viticulture in their second or later year. A student who is undertaking post-graduate study in any of these fields is also eligible to apply.

The ideal candidate would be a student who has completed at least the first year of their course with higher than satisfactory achievement, has a commitment to their field of study, and has demonstrated service to the College or community.

The criteria for this significant award will be, in order of priority: rural student, academic achievement and commitment, financial need, and contribution to the College or community.

Tim Brooks studied Agricultural Science at the University of Adelaide while a resident student at St Mark’s from 1966 to 1970. In 1970, he served as President of the College Club (having previously served as Secretary) and as a member of the College Council, and was awarded the prestigious Collegians’ Prize.

For several generations members of his family have been closely associated with St Mark’s including Malcolm E Brooks OBE, Hector G Brooks OAM, and Old Collegians, Hector B Brooks (1950-52, later Honorary Fellow), Clive Brooks (1960-63), and Dr David Brooks (1963-65).

Grandchildren of Tim’s cousin, Hector B Brooks, Henry Brooks (2020-21) and Patrick Brooks (2024- ) are the most recent generation of the family at St Mark’s.

Members of the Brooks family donated the imposing gates at the Pennington Terrace entrance to the College in 1991, and other members of the family have supported the College in various ways. Tim has previously donated the Tim Brooks Agricultural Science Scholarship in 2008-14.

In creating this new scholarship, Tim would like to be able to provide life-changing opportunities to students – and the College is deeply grateful.

For details of College scholarships, including the Tim Brooks Scholarship, click here.

If you would like to donate and create life-changing opportunities for students to be at St Mark’s, click here.

Photo: Tim Brooks (St Mark’s 1966-70) and the Head of College, Professor Don Markwell AM, at St Mark’s, May 2024.

St Mark’s Scholarships Presentation

At the recent St Mark’s College Semester II Scholarship Ceremony, thirty students were awarded scholarships, grants and prizes. Over $60,000 was awarded to students based on financial need, academic excellence, outstanding ability and/or contribution to the College and the wider community.

The College holds two presentation ceremonies each year, and also an academic prize ceremony, to acknowledge the efforts and impact of our students who are achieving success in their academic, personal and community pursuits.

St Mark’s College is grateful to donors and supporters who help us provide financial assistance to our students, enabling them the opportunity to have an enriched university experience in a supportive living and learning community. 

During his opening address, the Acting Head of College, Mr Darren Pitt said “The purpose of this address, is to unpack the characteristics which we are here to pay tribute to – the aforementioned hard work, service and character – so that we can be sure to focus on why these scholarship awards are so important and worthy of celebration.”

Acting Head of College, Mr Darren Pitt.

When we asked student Chloe, what a scholarship meant to her, she responded “Receiving a scholarship at Mark’s means that I’m able to continue to focus on my studies and experience all that the College has to offer without worrying about the stress of finances while being away from home”.

Jackson Furst, Dr Jessa Rogers and Chloe Southam.

Congratulations to all recipients!

Award Recipient Home Town Degree
The Margaret Beith Scholarship Hamish Hill Geelong, Victoria UA Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
The Margaret Beith Scholarship Isaac Montefiore Alice Springs, Northern Territory CE Bachelor of Construction Management and Economics 
The P&B Greenland Scholarship Joshua Phillips
Port Lincoln, South Australia
UA Bachelor of Music 
The A R LeMessurier Scholarship Isobel McFarlane Armadale, Victoria UA Bachelor of Medicine/
Bachelor of Surgery
The DL & ME Pank Scholarship Madeleine Taylor Campbell Town, Tasmania UA Bachelor of Health and
Medical Science
The M E Tothill Scholarship Daniel Robson Alice Springs, Northern Territory  UA Bachelor of Engineering in Medical Engineering/Bachelor of Finance
The Harold Fisher Scholarship Chad Lennon Alice Springs, Northern Territory  UA Bachelor of Health Sciences
The M & H Scott Scholarship Chelsea Hammond Bordertown, South Australia  UA The Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
The Alfred Lendon Memorial Trust Scholarship Ashlee Nichol Castlemaine, Victoria  UA Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
The Programmed Scholarship Finn McGown Port Lincoln, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Architectural Engineering
The Craig Grocke Industry Research & Design Grant Jacob Graham Irymple, Victoria UA Bachelor of Architectural studies
The John M Boully Scholarship Jackson Furst Redbanks, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
The John M Boully Scholarship Lukas Egger Hamilton, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
The Lewis Scholarship Evette DeJager Mount Barker, South Australia  UA Bachelor of teaching/Bachelor of Arts
The Lewis Scholarship Thomas Edney Hawthorne, Victoria UA Bachelor of Commerce 
The Lewis Scholarship Renae Feder Lillimur, Victoria  Fl Bachelor of Education (Secondary) /Bachelor of Health Sciences
The Sholto Douglas Scholarship Danielle Boniface Pymble, New South Whales UA Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery 
The Sholto Douglas Scholarship Annabel Brentnall Mosman, New South Whales UA Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery 
The Sir Ronald Fisher Medal Callum Kain Mt Gambier, South Australia UA Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Science 
The Sir Ronald Fisher Scholarship Callum Peck Adelaide, South Australia UA Bachelor of Health and Medical Science 
The Jeremy & Timothy Pascoe Scholarship Riley Glynn Mount Gambier, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Psychological Science
The Lorna Bourne Award Ruby Chant Merbein West, Victoria  CE Bachelor of Nursing
The Don Laidlaw Prize Lacey Burston Mount Gambier, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering
The Don Laidlaw Prize Benjamin Jenner Mount Gambier, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
The Women of St Mark’s Scholarship Nyah Bester Hamilton, Victoria  CE Bachelor of Pharmacy
The Women of St Mark’s Scholarship Elsie Figl Port Lincoln, South Australia  CE Bachelor of Pharmacy
The Sir Keith Angas Essay Prize Lacey Burston Mount Gambier, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering
The Studd Bursary Chloe Southam Alice Springs, Northern Territory  UA Bachelor of Nursing
The Gavin Walkley Scholarship Nicholas Marzhol Alice Springs, Northern Territory  MG Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honors)
The Archie McArthur Scholarship Daniel Robson Alice Springs, Northern Territory  UA Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering/Bachelor of Finance

Ashlee Nichol, James Wells.

Finn McGown, Chris Quinn.

Dr Angela Evans, Renae Feder, Thomas Edney, Evette deJager.

Isobel McFarlane, Lukas Egger, Dr John Boully, Callum Peck, Ashlee Nichol.

Jackson Furst, Chloe Southam, Isobel McFarlane, Danielle Boniface, Annabelle Brentnall.

Angas Twopenny, Benjamin Jenner.

Thomas Edney, Riley Glynn.

Crichton Burton, Dr Angela Evans, Elsie Figl, Nyah Bester.

St Mark’s does its best to ensure financial need is not a barrier to gaining the residential college experience. Further information on scholarships can be found here