2024 Scholarship winners recognised, and thank donors in person

Life-changing opportunities celebrated at St Mark’s

Winners of College scholarships for 2024 were recognised at the annual Scholarships Presentation Ceremonies held recently. These occasions gave Scholars the opportunity personally to thank the donors of the scholarships which help them live and learn at St Mark’s.

On Thursday 30 May, many donors enjoyed presenting certificates to the students awarded their scholarships this year. In some cases, the presentations were made by family members or descendants of donors: for example, the Kitty Hayward Scholarship, endowed in 1938, was presented by the donor’s great grandson, in the presence of other descendants of Kitty Hayward!

Mrs Mary Lou Simpson OAM (on behalf of herself and Mr Antony Simpson, who was overseas), Dr John Boully, Mr Guy Watson, and Dr Pamela Wall OAM spoke for all donors in saying what a pleasure and privilege it is to help talented students from diverse backgrounds to be at St Mark’s.

St Mark’s Director of Centenary Engagement, Ms Karin Dunsford, spoke warmly of the late Dr Helen Reid, who left a bequest to endow a scholarship which bears her name. Karin was twice offered jobs at Walford School by Dr Reid, who recognised and encouraged potential in Karin which she did not see herself. Like our scholarships, these were life-changing opportunities.

Speaking for all scholarship recipients, students Luke MacKay, Manon Finch, and Cameron Akehurst shared how formative their St Mark’s experiences have been.  They expressed profound gratitude for the selfless generosity of scholarship donors who have made this possible.

Quoting the adage that “talent is everywhere, opportunity is not”, the Head of College, Professor Don Markwell AM, said:

Scholarships are utterly essential to creating opportunity for young people of talent and potential.

“Our scholarships exist to promote and recognise excellence, including service and leadership as well as academic and other achievement; to help students who are in financial need; and to enable people from diverse backgrounds to be at St Mark’s who might not otherwise be able to be here.”

Some of the scholarships presented were endowed in the early years of St Mark’s and are still awarded today. Others have been created in more recent years through the generosity and vision of donors.

Professor Markwell said that, despite the great generosity of St Mark’s scholarships and of our wonderful donors, students’ need for financial support remains much greater than our capacity to meet it, and a further significant expansion of scholarships remains a crucial priority for the College.

The Scholarships Presentation Ceremony was followed by an informal dinner. Here, donors and their Scholars were able to talk further, an opportunity clearly enjoyed by all.

Earlier that week, the Chair of the College Board, Ms Linda Matthews, spoke in Formal Hall and recognised and congratulated the 2024 winners of a number of other scholarships. These included the St Mark’s College Scholarships (which are funded from all-important Annual Giving), Alumni Scholarships, the Foundation Scholarship, and Margaret and Harry Scott Trust Scholarships.

Ms Matthews said how greatly she appreciated the letters she received from scholarship winners which reflected the importance in their lives of the opportunity to be at St Mark’s.

You can read extracts from letters of thanks written by 2024 scholarship recipients here.

Photos from the Scholarships Presentation Ceremony on 30 May are below.

Find details of the scholarships that help students live and learn at St Mark’s here.

To help provide scholarships that support students to be at St Mark’s, visit our Giving page.

Academic adventures of our students

In addition to excellent academic results last semester and an academic programme in full swing for Semester 2, many of our students have taken part in exciting academic adventures in Australia and overseas over recent months, as well as within College.

Outstanding academic results

As the St Mark’s motto – spernit virtus humum, excellence reaches for the stars – suggests, academic excellence is one of the core values of our College, and in 2023 our students have certainly been reaching for the stars. In semester 1, more than a quarter of our students achieved at least one high distinction with 43 students (17% of all students) receiving only high distinction and/or distinction grades, including 12 students who received straight high distinctions. Overall, nearly half our results were high distinction or distinction grades.

In addition to achieving these outstanding results, our students have been busy with a wide range of academic activities and adventures over the winter months.

Rave reviews for our music theatre students

Final year music theatre students, Lilli De Nardi and Gracie Rowland performed in an Elder Conservatorium Music Theatre production of Sweeney Todd in June that won rave reviews. The Advertiser reviewer described the show as “a cut above the rest” and the performers as “brilliant… getting the perfect balance of light and shade” and “every one of them inhabit[ing] their character to the nth degree”.

Earth Sciences Convention

University of Adelaide geology student, Cooper Ferguson, together with two fellow earth sciences students, exhibited a poster at the 2023 Australian Earth Sciences Convention in Perth. Their poster presented an assessment of the meteorite specimens held in the Tate Museum at the University of Adelaide and some preliminary geochemical results.

Study Tours

College Club President, Ben McCure, and Arts and Culture/Student Outreach Officer, Bianca Feher, both travelled abroad during the mid-semester break as part of their studies. Ben headed to Vietnam, visiting Hanoi, Hoi An and Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) on a creative study tour while Bianca undertook a short-term exchange at the University of California, Los Angeles, where she completed a subject on ethical issues in journalism.

 College Club President, Ben McCure, learning how to make rice paper in Hoi An, Vietnam

Arts and Cultural and Student Outreach Officer, Bianca Feher, at UCLA

Youth Parliament

Zoe Hughes took part in the YMCA South Australian Youth Parliament program this year, which culminated in a week-long residential camp for Parliament Week in July. Zoe was elected Leader of the Opposition and was part of the Recreation, Arts, and Culture Committee, who produced a bill aimed at reducing barriers to youth participation in recreational activities.

Zoe Hughes (front right) with Her Excellency, the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia, and other members of the 2023 SA Youth Parliament.

Zoe Hughes (centre) with Her Excellency, the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia, and other members of the 2023 SA Youth Parliament.

Faculty Feast to mark the start of semester 2

The Academic Team welcomed students back after the break with a Harry Potter-themed Great Feast. Students had to dodge the Whomping Willow and duck beneath flying letters to enter the Great Hall where they were sorted into their respective Houses, named after key figures in the College’s history. In a brief address, Professor Markwell offered just a few words quoted from Albus Dumbledore before encouraging everyone to “tuck in” (in Dumbledore’s words) to the magnificent feast that magically appeared before them (thanks to our kitchen wizards).

Writer in Residence

We also welcomed our Writer in Residence, Janet Fennell, an award-winning novelist, short story writer, reviewer, essayist, and poet from the Blue Mountains, NSW, for a six-week residency. Janet has a Master of Arts in Writing from the University of Western Sydney and has been teaching creative writing for 25 years. Her novel, Only Myself, was published by HarperCollins and her short stories have appeared in various magazines and newspapers. Janet will provide both inspiration and writing support for all students during her stay, but particularly our English and creative writing students.

Speaking from Experience

On Tuesday 1 August, we held the first event in a new informal discussion series, called Speaking from Experience, where staff, postgraduate students, and Old Collegians are invited to tell us about something they have learned the hard way – through experience. Our first speaker was one of our current postgraduate students, Chi Ho Yip, who was very candid about his experiences as a practising lawyer in Hong Kong and generous with the universal wisdom and bespoke advice he offered to attendees from all faculties.

STEM Faculty Evening

The semester 2 faculty events commenced last week with the 2023 STEM Faculty Evening. Academic Coordinator Josh Rummell drew together a brilliant panel of guests including astrophysicist Dr Gabriel Collin; research scientist Lynda Saunders; software engineer Dr Kyle Talbot; forensic toxicologist Ms Karen Thai; and forensic biologist Dr Phillippa Hearnden.

Amongst other things, our guests spoke about the value in any field of background skills such as programming and statistical analysis; the importance of strong interpersonal skills in the workplace; and how to identify and use transferable skills to explore different and perhaps unexpected career paths.

It was terrific to see such a great turn out of engaged students, not only from the STEM Faculty but from other faculties as well, all of whom benefited from advice about different learning styles and how to “hack” them to improve academic performance and enjoyed hearing about the similarities (or otherwise) between real life careers in forensic science and those depicted in shows such as CSI.

The Academy by Deloitte

Congratulations to Engineering students Hamish McKenny and George Fulwood (who is also studying Finance and Banking), who have both been accepted into The Academy by Deloitte offered in partnership with the University of Adelaide. The Academy provides students the opportunity to apply their academic learning and to gain practical experience in the workplace via a paid internship program.

Library Sundowner

Past and present staff and students as well as valued friends of the College gathered in the Library on Friday 4 August for a Sundowner to celebrate our long-serving Librarian, Pirjo Rayner, who retired at the end of June. Professor Markwell once again praised Pirjo’s student-centred and forward-looking approach to her role, which is embodied in the magnificent, purpose-built Ian and Pamela Wall Academic Centre, to which Pirjo contributed thoughtful design ideas.

Guests included the eighth Master of the College, Rose Alwyn, and former Dean, Raphaela Oest, former chaplain, Grant Moore, Angela Bannon, Mary and Guy Watson, Richard Scott Young, and rare books expert, Anthony Zammit, who were also treated to a first look at the nearly completed Richard Watson Rare Books Cabinet.



St Mark’s College Announces 2020 Student Leaders

St Mark's College

St Mark’s College is excited to announce the 2020 student leader teams. Students are the life of the College and take personal responsibility for establishing a healthy, respectful, inclusive and welcoming culture.  This is fostered through a strong focus on student governance and accountability, which provides strong peer support throughout the College community.

St Mark’s College student leaders also get a head start in their career and personal life by taking on leadership responsibilities and accountability.  It provides invaluable preparation for the workforce, teaching them to develop resilience and an understanding of themselves, their strengths and areas for development.

There are a range of student leadership positions available at St Mark’s College, including both staff-appointed and student-elected roles.

Congratulations to the following student leaders, we look forward to your contributions in 2020.

2020 College Club Committee
Elected by their fellow students, the College Club Committee are responsible for organising social, sporting, community, charitable, arts and cultural events throughout the year. The development of their organisation and communication skills, along with significant event management experience, are highly transferable beyond College life.  The College Club Executive Team consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

St Mark's College
Top Left: Kaidy Morgan, Geogie Kotz, Daniel Robson, Corey Finlay, Alice McKenzie and Yemaya Coleman-Smith.
Bottom Left: Max Politis, Carmen Joubert, Isaac Montefiore, Nick Marzohl, Riley Glynn, Taylor Glover and Matt Mouvet.
Position Name Home Town Course
President Nicholas Marzohl Alice Springs, NT UA:  Bachelor of Psychology
Vice President Riley Glynn Mt Gambier, SA USA: Bachelor of Psychological Science
Treasurer Isaac Montefiore Alice Springs, NT USA: Bachelor of Construction Management and Economics
Secretary Carmen Joubert Jamestown, SA EC:  Bachelor of Health Sciences (Nutritional & Dietetic Medicine)

Sports Officers


Taylor Glover Yeelanna, SA UA: Bachelor of Criminology
Daniel Robson Alice Springs, NT UA: Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Finance

Equity Officers


Kaidy Morgan Coulta, SA UA: Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences
Max Politis Darwin, NT UA: Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
Merchandise Alice McKenzie Port Pirie South, SA FL: Bachelor of Science (Animal Behaviour) (Hons)
Sponsorship and Charitable Corey Finlay Orroroo, SA USA: Bachelor of Business (Sport and Recreation Management)

Social Officers 


Georgie Kotz Point Cook, VIC UA: Bachelor of Arts
Matt Mouvet Mildura, VIC FL: Bachelor of Education
Arts and Cultural Yemaya Coleman-Smith Port Lincoln, SA UA: Bachelor of Music

Dean’s Leadership Team (DLT)
Assistant Dean
The role of the Assistant Dean is to assist students in various ways when needed, to encourage behaviour in line with the College’s behavioural expectations and to liaise between the College staff and students. A senior leader within the College, the Assistant Dean also supports the Dean in managing the DLT.

Position Names Home Town Course Year in Course in 2020
Assistant Deans Chad Lennon Alice Springs, NT UA: Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences 4th year
Bronte Phillips Loxton, SA FL: Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics 4th year

Senior Residential Advisor
The Senior Residential Advisor is responsible for leading the Residential Advisor team to create a safe, respectful and enjoyable College experience for the students on their floor/building. They encourage and role model responsible and respectful behaviour and liaise between the College staff and students. In addition, the Senior Residential Advisors participate in meetings of various bodies, carry out inspections of College property and undertake some administrative duties.

Residential Advisor (RA)
Residential Advisors are responsible for role modelling the behaviours expected within the College community, and actively support the wellbeing and academic success of its students. They are the first point of contact for personal and academic problems and can advise students on additional support structures within the College community and the wider community.

St Mark's College
Top Left: Ben Jenner, Adam Burford, Isobel McFarlane, Travis Kuchel and Lukas Egger.
Bottom Left: Abby Goodwin, Bronte Phillips (Assistant Dean), Chad Lennon (Assistant Dean), Sagar Elangovan (Senior Residential Advisor), Kaitlyn Beltakis
Absent: Jack Brady, Tessa Megaw and Morgan Hill.
Position Names Home Town Course Year in Course in 2020
Senior Residential Advisor Sagar Elangovan Brisbane, QLD UA Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery 2nd/6th year
Residential Advisor Abby Goodwin Whyalla, SA FL: Bachelor of Paramedic Science 3rd year
Adam Burford Yacka, SA UA: Bachelor of Science (Mineral Geoscience) 3rd year
Ben Jenner Mt Gambier, SA UA: Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) 3rd year
Isobel McFarlane Armidale, VIC UA: Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery 3rd year
Jack Brady Buderim, QLD UA: Bachelor of Commerce 2nd year
Kaitlin Beltakis Mt Gambier, SA UA: Bachelor in Health and Medical Science (Advanced) 2nd year
Lukas Egger Hamilton, VIC UA: Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery 3rd year
Tessa Megaw Mt Gambier, SA MW: Bachelor of Education (Primary and Middle) 3rd year
Travis Kuchel Clare, SA UA: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil and Structural)/Bachelor of Finance 3rd year
Morgan Hill Nightcliff, NT UA: Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-registration) 3rd year

Senior Academic Tutor
The role of the Senior Academic Tutor is to assist students in the positive transition from school to university life and provide support to ensure academic success and resilience. Working closely with the Director of Learning, the portfolio includes coordinating the tutorial program with the Academic Tutors and ensuring all students are aware of and able to access the academic support at the College.  They are also a member of the Library Sub-Committee.

Academic Coordinator
Academic Coordinators play an important role and are responsible for coordinating the academic and career program for the faculty, including coordinating and supporting the relevant tutoring team, run faculty dinners and career events, support new students with their transition into university as well as providing mentoring and personal support to all students in their faculty.

St Mark's College
Top Left: Ryan Williams, Mitchel Paull and Ben Joy.
Bottom Left: Tori Martin, Gemma Nunn, Ashlee Nichol (Senior Academic Tutor), Lacey Burston and Danielle Boniface.
Absent: Olivia Watt and Aidan Jones.
Position Name Home Town Course Year in Course 2020
Senior Academic Tutor Ashlee Nichol Castlemaine, VIC UA: Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery 4th year
Academic Tutors Names Home Town Course Year in Course in 2020



Gemma Nunn Bordertown, SA UA: Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences 2nd year

Allied Health


Olivia Watt Mildura, VIC UA: Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences 3rd year

Arts & Education


Tori Martin Berri, SA MG: Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary and Primary) 3rd year



Benjamin Joy Aldinga Beach, SA UA: Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance) 3rd year

Engineering & Architecture


Mitchell Paull Geraldton, WA UA: Bachelor of Engineering in Aerospace Engineering 3rd year



Aidan Jones Quantong, VIC Bachelor of Laws 3rd year

Medicine, Nursing & Dentistry


Danielle Boniface Pymble, NSW UA: Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery 3rd year
Science Lacey Burston Mt Gambier, SA UA: Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering double/combined degrees 3rd year

Library Assistant
The Library Assistant works collaboratively with the Librarian to ensure the effective running of the Academic Centre and ensuring students are utilising the Academic Centre and Learning Commons facilities in a respectful manner.

Position Names Home Town Course Year in Course in 2020
Library Assistant Ryan Williams Penola, SA UA: Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery 3rd year
Lacey Burston (continuing) Mt Gambier, SA Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical and Pharmaceutical) 3rd year

Arts Coordinator
The Arts Coordinator directly manages all facets of the College’s annual arts and cultural events. They work in close collaboration with the College Club Committee and elected Directors to create a contemporary, rich and vibrant performing arts program.

Position Names Home Town Course Year in Course in 2020
Arts Coordinator Josh Phillips Port Lincoln, SA UA Bachelor of Music 3rd year

Gym Officer
The Fitness and Gym Officers take responsibility for the provision of health and physical fitness opportunities at College. They develop programs throughout the year to cater to a diverse range of fitness levels and interests.

Position Names Home Town Course Year in Course in 2020
Gym Officer Dan Robson Alice Springs, NT UA: Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Finance 2nd year

St Mark’s College students stand out from the crowd when the time comes to enter the workforce. For more information on leadership opportunities offered at St Mark’s College click here.

St Mark’s College Final Service and Dinner 2019

Celebrating the end of the academic year is always a momentous occasion at St Mark’s College. The St Mark’s College Final Service and Dinner was held on Saturday 26th October 2019 to celebrate our students’ academic, sporting and leadership achievements, announce the student leaders for 2020 and celebrate the students who will soon graduate.

The evening commenced with students, parents, staff and Old Collegians attending the Final Service at St Peter’s Cathedral. The College Chaplin, Reverend Grant Moore, gave a sermon asking us to reflect on the year that had been and issued a call to action to our students to utilise their university learnings and experience to actively engage in helping resolve some of the issues society faces. He said “As Simon Collins says, no institutions play a bigger part in the socio-economic future-proofing of human society than universities. That’s where tomorrow’s scientific breakthroughs are incubated. And who knows what they will be? Their embryonic templates lie buried in you – as yet undiscovered – hidden among the unique talents with which you’ve been blessed.  In the final analysis, your life is God’s precious gift to you. What you do with it, is your gift to the rest of us, to humankind in general, and in the end, to God. ” To read the full sermon, click here.

Following the service, students enjoyed pre-dinner drinks with guests in the Walkley Gardens before entering the Grenfell Price Dining Hall for the Final Dinner.

Final Dinner is always filled with both happy and sad moments, as students reflect on the year and their time at St Mark’s, and as we farewell those who are leaving St Mark’s College. It is also a time for celebration as we acknowledge the outstanding student achievements over the past year.

To commence the night’s proceedings, first-year Bachelor of Environmental Science at University of South Australia student and Wiradjuri woman, Ms Iman Westhead, gave the Acknowledgement of Country, followed by the Acting Head of College, Mr Darren Pitt, providing the Welcome Address.

The 2019 College Club President and fourth-year Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Arts University of Adelaide student, Ms Evette de Jager, welcomed back the previous Master of St Mark’s College, Ms Rose Alwyn, and presented her with a gift from the College Club.

The College Club President-elect for 2020, Mr Nicholas Marzohl, a second-year Bachelor of Psychology student at the University of South Australia, raised a toast to those leaving College saying “Leaving College is a hard thing to do, but to you leavers, I know with the experiences and memories, not to mention the friends and connections you have made here at St Mark’s College, you are ready for anything that gets thrown at you. Leavers, you will always be a part of the St Mark’s College community”.

St Mark's College

Ms Lucinda Bunge, third-year Bachelor of Physiotherapy student at the University of South Australia,  and Mr Mitchell Olive, fourth-year Bachelor of Commerce (International Business) and Bachelor of Business (Corporate Finance) student at the University of Adelaide, provided a passionate leaver’s response,  reminding students that “Once you step through the gates of St Mark’s College on your first day, you are not just a Collegian for your time here, you are a Marksman or a Markswoman for life. The friends and connections you make here in this very short period of your life will stay with you forever. These years are the most formative of your life.  During these years we have learned some valuable lessons about resilience, how to be more independent, successful communication skills, but most importantly, how to be a genuinely good person, which is what all Marksmen and Markswomen are. Never doubt yourselves, Collegians, for we know we are all going places in life, great places.”

St Mark's College

Ms Evette de Jager raised a toast to the College and Dr Areti Metuamate, the Dean of St Mark’s responded on behalf of the College and quoted JK Rowling as he called for students to think about the role they play as leaders in their communities: “If you choose to use your status and influence to raise your voice on behalf of those who have no voice; if you choose to identify not only with the powerful but with the powerless; if you retain the ability to imagine yourself into the lives of those who do not have your advantages, then it will not only be your proud families who celebrate your existence but thousands and millions of people whose reality you have helped transform for the better. We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.”

The celebrations continued as the 2020 student appointed and elected leadership team members were announced, and as the academic, sporting, excellence and leavers awards were presented to students.

Congratulations to all students for the 2019 academic year, a College is little without the contribution and passion of our students. St Mark’s truly is a place you belong for life.

2019 Award Recipients

Collegian’s Prize
Presented by Mr Jack Dowd (alum 2014-2016) on behalf of the Old Collegian’s Association to the student whose contribution to College, their studies, their university, and community are recognised by their peers as being outstanding.

Lucinda Bunge

Service Colours
Awarded by the Dean to students who have given an outstanding contribution to the College.

Taylor Hand
Evette de Jager
Thomas Edney
Renae Feder

Values colours 
Awarded by the Dean to students recognising students who epitomise the Values of the College.

Benjamin Jenner
Nicholette Bakaj
Chelsea Hammond
Bronte Phillips

Academic Colours & Commendations
Ms Kathy Radoslovich, the Director of Learning, Dr Layla Mahdi St Mark’s Scholar in Residence and Dr Jessa Rogers, presented the Academic Colours to the highest achieving student in their year level. Commendations are awarded to exceptional academic achievers.

2019 Overall Academic Colours

Alasdair Leslie

Academic Colours & Commendations

Year  Award Studnet 
4th Year  Colours Callum Kain 
  Commendations Nicholette Bakaj, Benjamin Cmrlec, Alexandra Kenny, Brady Martin
3rd Year  Colours Madeleine Whitehouse
  Commendations Lucinda Bunge, Ella Graham, Molly Healy, Eliza Kennedy
2nd Year Colours Isaac Montefiore
  Commendations Danielle Boniface, Benjamin Joy, Olivia Watt
1st Year Colours Kaitlin Beltakis, Ella Browne, Wren Dreger, Hamish Hill
  Commendations Brodie Carrigan, Niamh Jones, Gemma Nunn, Amelia Youngman

The Sports awards and Colours were presented by the Sports Officers, Ms Renae Feder and Mr Riley Glynn.

Female Athlete of the Year: Isobel McFarlane
Male Athlete of the Year:
Benjamin Pater

Sporting and Arts College Club Colours 

Sport  1st Student 2nd Student 
Tennis Tessa Megaw Hugo Lee
Swimming Erin Roberts James Andrews
Debating Annie Brentnall Mitchell Paull
Netball Maddy Crettenden Benjamin Pater
Hockey Lucinda Bunge Lachlan Clark
Football Erin Roberts Blake Dodson
Volleyball Isobel McFarlane Benjamin Pater
Basketball Bronte Phillips Sean Ambrose
Soccer Jenna Enge Lukas Egger
Table Tennis Tessa Megaw Riley Glynn
Athletics Izzy McFarlane Liam McMaugh
Boat Racing Georgie Kotz Mitchell Olive
Arts Evening Sonny Puglisi  
College Revue Nicola Badran Eliza Kennedy
Fresher of the year Kaidy Morgan Daniel Robson

2019 Graduating Students

Student  Degree 
Ms Nicholette Bakaj B. Science
Mr Harrison Baker            B. GSC
Ms Hannah Bradshaw       B. Arts (Advertising)
Mr Ryan Casey         B. Music (Music Performance –Jazz)
Mr Benjamin Cmrlec          B. Engineering (Mech)(Hons)
Ms Evette de Jager B. Teaching
Mr Thomas Edney        B. Commerce
Ms Sarina Ferguson               B. Laws
Mr Matthew Halligan         B. Arts
Jacob, Mr Mostyn    B. Media Arts (Film, TV & CGI)
Jealous, Mr Peter      B. Agricultural Sciences
Kain, Mr Callum        B. Science
Ms Alexandra Kenny B. Commerce
Mr Billy King                      B. Human Movement
Mr Chad Lennon               B. Health and Medical Sciences
Mr Brady Martin         B. Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (Hon)
Mr Ryan Morrow B. Health and Medical Sciences
Mr Mitchell Olive B. Commerce
Mr Benjamin Pater     B. Human Movement
Ms Yardley Smeaton           B. Creative Arts (Screen)
Mr Henry To   B. Architectural Design
Mr Andrew Vogelsang B. Economics
Mr Charles Westwell B. Science(Biomedical Science)
Ms Madeleine Whitehouse B. Health Science
Ms Meekah Zangari          B. Physiotherapy
St Mark's College
2020 College Club Committee.

St Mark's College

St Mark's College

St Mark’s College offers many opportunities for students to pursue their passions for sport, art, music or drama. For more information click here.

St Mark’s Scholarships Presentation

At the recent St Mark’s College Semester II Scholarship Ceremony, thirty students were awarded scholarships, grants and prizes. Over $60,000 was awarded to students based on financial need, academic excellence, outstanding ability and/or contribution to the College and the wider community.

The College holds two presentation ceremonies each year, and also an academic prize ceremony, to acknowledge the efforts and impact of our students who are achieving success in their academic, personal and community pursuits.

St Mark’s College is grateful to donors and supporters who help us provide financial assistance to our students, enabling them the opportunity to have an enriched university experience in a supportive living and learning community. 

During his opening address, the Acting Head of College, Mr Darren Pitt said “The purpose of this address, is to unpack the characteristics which we are here to pay tribute to – the aforementioned hard work, service and character – so that we can be sure to focus on why these scholarship awards are so important and worthy of celebration.”

Acting Head of College, Mr Darren Pitt.

When we asked student Chloe, what a scholarship meant to her, she responded “Receiving a scholarship at Mark’s means that I’m able to continue to focus on my studies and experience all that the College has to offer without worrying about the stress of finances while being away from home”.

Jackson Furst, Dr Jessa Rogers and Chloe Southam.

Congratulations to all recipients!

Award Recipient Home Town Degree
The Margaret Beith Scholarship Hamish Hill Geelong, Victoria UA Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
The Margaret Beith Scholarship Isaac Montefiore Alice Springs, Northern Territory CE Bachelor of Construction Management and Economics 
The P&B Greenland Scholarship Joshua Phillips
Port Lincoln, South Australia
UA Bachelor of Music 
The A R LeMessurier Scholarship Isobel McFarlane Armadale, Victoria UA Bachelor of Medicine/
Bachelor of Surgery
The DL & ME Pank Scholarship Madeleine Taylor Campbell Town, Tasmania UA Bachelor of Health and
Medical Science
The M E Tothill Scholarship Daniel Robson Alice Springs, Northern Territory  UA Bachelor of Engineering in Medical Engineering/Bachelor of Finance
The Harold Fisher Scholarship Chad Lennon Alice Springs, Northern Territory  UA Bachelor of Health Sciences
The M & H Scott Scholarship Chelsea Hammond Bordertown, South Australia  UA The Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
The Alfred Lendon Memorial Trust Scholarship Ashlee Nichol Castlemaine, Victoria  UA Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
The Programmed Scholarship Finn McGown Port Lincoln, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Architectural Engineering
The Craig Grocke Industry Research & Design Grant Jacob Graham Irymple, Victoria UA Bachelor of Architectural studies
The John M Boully Scholarship Jackson Furst Redbanks, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
The John M Boully Scholarship Lukas Egger Hamilton, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
The Lewis Scholarship Evette DeJager Mount Barker, South Australia  UA Bachelor of teaching/Bachelor of Arts
The Lewis Scholarship Thomas Edney Hawthorne, Victoria UA Bachelor of Commerce 
The Lewis Scholarship Renae Feder Lillimur, Victoria  Fl Bachelor of Education (Secondary) /Bachelor of Health Sciences
The Sholto Douglas Scholarship Danielle Boniface Pymble, New South Whales UA Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery 
The Sholto Douglas Scholarship Annabel Brentnall Mosman, New South Whales UA Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery 
The Sir Ronald Fisher Medal Callum Kain Mt Gambier, South Australia UA Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Science 
The Sir Ronald Fisher Scholarship Callum Peck Adelaide, South Australia UA Bachelor of Health and Medical Science 
The Jeremy & Timothy Pascoe Scholarship Riley Glynn Mount Gambier, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Psychological Science
The Lorna Bourne Award Ruby Chant Merbein West, Victoria  CE Bachelor of Nursing
The Don Laidlaw Prize Lacey Burston Mount Gambier, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering
The Don Laidlaw Prize Benjamin Jenner Mount Gambier, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
The Women of St Mark’s Scholarship Nyah Bester Hamilton, Victoria  CE Bachelor of Pharmacy
The Women of St Mark’s Scholarship Elsie Figl Port Lincoln, South Australia  CE Bachelor of Pharmacy
The Sir Keith Angas Essay Prize Lacey Burston Mount Gambier, South Australia  UA Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering
The Studd Bursary Chloe Southam Alice Springs, Northern Territory  UA Bachelor of Nursing
The Gavin Walkley Scholarship Nicholas Marzhol Alice Springs, Northern Territory  MG Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honors)
The Archie McArthur Scholarship Daniel Robson Alice Springs, Northern Territory  UA Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering/Bachelor of Finance

Ashlee Nichol, James Wells.

Finn McGown, Chris Quinn.

Dr Angela Evans, Renae Feder, Thomas Edney, Evette deJager.

Isobel McFarlane, Lukas Egger, Dr John Boully, Callum Peck, Ashlee Nichol.

Jackson Furst, Chloe Southam, Isobel McFarlane, Danielle Boniface, Annabelle Brentnall.

Angas Twopenny, Benjamin Jenner.

Thomas Edney, Riley Glynn.

Crichton Burton, Dr Angela Evans, Elsie Figl, Nyah Bester.

St Mark’s does its best to ensure financial need is not a barrier to gaining the residential college experience. Further information on scholarships can be found here